Dear Lactnetters,
     I am attempting to forward something I typed in and then sent to someone
else instead of posting it. Hope this gets to you in good shape... Judy,
Forwarded message:
From:   [log in to unmask] (Chris Hafner-Eaton)
To:     [log in to unmask]
Date: 97-03-10 17:58:02 EST

Here's your original back.  I think you should post it as opposed to me.
If for some reason you can't, then I'll do it.

>Dear Pierrette,
>     I was so disheartened to hear about your experience with your LOCAL La
>Leche League Leaders. I stress the word local because, as Chris mentioned,
>LLL's goal is to support mothers and breastfeeding, to offer information and
>options that families can choose, not thrust personal practices upon anyone.
>In our local groups we work very hard to make sure any woman can feel
>welcome, and can get the information she needs. We have women of many races,
>religions, and work-styles, as well as different sexual orientaions. We
>believe that our Leading style makes us a better resource for more mothers.
>Yes LLL supports women who forgo work that would separate them from their
>baby, but it does not discourage women who  ARE separated from their babies.
>Meetings allow women to hear a variety of experiences, which usually doesn't
>even include the Leader's personal experience. Meetings should be like
>pot-luck dinners:everyone brings something unique, and each individual takes
>what looks good, and feels free to leave what doesn't. The Leader's role is
>to facilitate discussion about mothering/ parenting/breastfeeding, clarify
>the science of breastfeeding and make sure that a women is aware of her
>options.( choosing how the art fits with the science)  If you are ever in
>NYC, come across the bridge (the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge) and visit us.
>We'd love for you to be a part of what LLL can, and means to, be.
>in beautiful Brooklyn, NY

: )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )    : )
                  ***CHANGE THE WORLD, NURTURE A CHILD!!!***
: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email:   [log in to unmask]   :
: )Area Professional Liaison, LLL-OR      fax1:  541-967-2401
: )Coordinator, Research Review Committee fax2:  541 753 7340 call 1st     :
: )La Leche League International        voice:   541 753-7340
: )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : )  : )   :  )   : ) : )
: )