On Fri, 14 Mar 1997 08:12:51 -0800 Roy Nettlebeck
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I have been talking to some people who are starting this year in
>beekeeping. They want to know , what to do first.
> Get a Beginners beekeeping book and read it.Don't just read the first
>chapter like I did and have bees in the trees within one hour.
Gee Roy:
When I started some years ago (then had to give up until two years ago)
I read the book from cover to cover, over and over. Thought I knew how
to handle that first package cold!
The package arrived at the local Post Office, they called, I brought it
home. Got everything all set up and in my excitement (I guess)
promptly forgot step #1 step #2 and every step thereafter. Had to ask
my wife to run into the house, get the book and read the process
step by step!
She was standing about thirty feet up the slope from the front of
the hive. In the midst of the affair, one little aggravated worker
literally flew a "bee-line" straight to her, and stung her in "the lip".
We got divorced a year later....wonder if there was some sort of
causal relationship to that event? :-)
The only good way to learn anything is probably the dumb hard way.
It can get exciting!
Al Needham--Scituate,MA,[log in to unmask]
Author Of "The HoneyBee"--An Educational Program
> Learn About Honey Bees & Beekeeping <
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