Hi Adrian
        If I make any post while you are away I will send them also direct to you
as I know you would not want to miss one of my posting, and I doubt if it
would make it to " best of". Hopfully your travels will bring you back to
Hawaii for another visit. I continue to use the knowledge that you shared
about ant control. Our B & B has a lot less ants now. Have a good day.
Walter & Elisabeth Patton
Hale Lamalani-Bed & Breakfast
Hawaiian Honey House-Honey Packers
A Hawaii Beekeepers Bed & Breakfast
27-703 A. Ka`ie`ie Homestead Rd.
"The Bee Hive The Fountain Of Youth And Health"
> From: Adrian Wenner <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: stop best of bee-l
> Date: Monday, March 03, 1997 5:36 AM
>    Actually, I like the idea of Best of BEE-L, though I don't subscribe
> present.  BEE-L does fine by me --- I can erase nine out of ten of the
> messages without even opening them up.
>    However, when I go out of town for a week (as occurs commonly --- for
> example a couple of weeks ago when I went to southern Mexico to see the
> monarch butterflies), too many messages accumulate in my mainframe
> Then I get the message:
>                         System Mailbox Disk OverUse
>                            NOTIFICATION NUMBER 1
>    Alternatively, for the next trip (to Santa Cruz Island on the 17th), I
> will surely use Best of BEE-L instead of BEE-L.  The mailbox won't
> overflow, but (hopefully) I shouldn't miss anything important.
>                                                 Adrian
> Adrian M. Wenner                         (805) 893-2838 (UCSB office)
> Ecol., Evol., & Marine Biology           (805) 893-8062  (UCSB FAX)
> Univ. of Calif., Santa Barbara           (805) 963-8508 (home office &
> Santa Barbara, CA  93106
> ***********************************************************************
> *  "THIS LIFE may be the only chance you'll ever get to show what     *
> *   you can do."                                      Pot-Shots #6923 *
> *          Copyright, Ashleigh Brilliant --- used with permission     *
> ***********************************************************************