Hi Debbie,
> is there any literature on cup feeding?
> premies heads need support
> premies/babies cannot bring back the bolus of milk to their back palate to
initiate swallowing.

I viewed the video tape of Sandra Lange's ILCA conf. on Cup Feeding from 2
years ago. I highly recomend it. It can be ordered through JHL. She also has
published articles from her studies of over 2000 premie babies who cup feed
successfully and no complications.  The key is the baby ready - a gag reflex
should be checked and like a previous post when the cup is put to the mouth
the baby will direct the fluid into their mouth only if they are ready.  Cup
feeding is as old as breastfeeding - when expressed milk was placed into the
cup of one hand and offered to the baby.
The key is correct teaching. The baby must be sat upright, the cup brought to
the lips, tipping the cup so the milk touches the lower gum and wait. Do not
pour into the mouth! The  baby is in control and will take the milk in at a
pace it can handle and will stop when satisfied. Premies ( 30 - 35 weeks )
will tend to lap like a kitten and term babies will suck more like a straw. I
have used cup feeding for the past year and half and have great success with
it while working a baby back to breast. You may e-mail me for the exact
reference which I don't have at hand but can find it for you.

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Ann Perry RN IBCLC
N.Andover, Ma