Let me clarify my listing of "tubular-shaped breasts" as being a possible
sign of insufficient tissue lest I be misunderstood! My ears perk up if the
mom tells me (as I had in one case) that her breasts were remarkably
different than her sister or mother's who were "rounded in shape" as she put
it. Her breasts were long, wide-set, and any 'let-down" sensation she had, as
she described it, was a slight pulling underneath her armpits.  She had never
experienced leaking or breast fullness. As she put it, "I would love to feel
engorged!" This particular mom is also on Synthroid 0.5mg qd for chronic
 hypothyroidism. She produced virtually no milk with her first pregnancy, and
is producing some (subjective, I know) with this baby, now 9 days old.
Anyway, she has been most interesting to work with. As far as breast shapes
go, I wholeheartedly agree you can't judge a book by it's cover! However, it
sometimes can be part of the bigger picture.
Thanks for the great reparte'!
Sandey Arrowsmith RN,IBCLC
PS: kga: remember me from Birmingham last March? Sure was fun hanging with
you guys!