A personal note on vision: I would agree with the last post on the affect
pregnancy and lactation have on the cornea. I wore contact lenses
successfully for 15 years until my pregnancies. With each successive
pregnancy my vision became more nearsighted, more astigmatic, and my eyes
became dryer. Or maybe it was because I was just getting older. After the
pregnancies, I stopped wearing contacts for several months because I felt
that they impaired my ability to drop off to a quick nap while breastfeeding
if I had to get up to take off my contacts! I was not sleeping too much at
night, either, which did not help my eyes.  My eyes are now so dry that I can
only tolerate contacts for about four hours at a time. But maybe it is this
LA smog....

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC
Los Angeles, CA, where today there was no smog and it was in the low 80's.