<< If her body fat is below 16% that may be the reason she is not conceiving.
>>  Also a very high body fat level can be a factor. In both cases it is
because the fat levels are a factor in the making of the
hormones(steroid-type, i.e. cholesterol, a fat )
As far as mucus is concerned, fertile type mucus indeed has different
appearance under a scope --the srtands of mucus actually line up in rows,
leaving a pathway for sperm to swim up more easily thru the cervix! It's so
amazing how the human body works!! i.e. the fascinating ability to produce
milk that is the perfect food to grow the baby to which it is being fed!!

Incontinence-Yikes!!!  I have heard the connection about several pregnancies
being a factor in incontinence, but don't understand any way that
breastfeeding would affect..

PMS Yep, my kids got cranky within a day either way of my period beginning,
only lasted a day or two at the most.
