To      : Karen Zeretzke
Re      : Flovent and Serevent

Serevent is a long-acting beta-2 agonist used for asthma. As such, the
concentrations used and the total dose absorbed by the mom are very small
assuming low to moderate dosing.  It is extremely unlikely that the dose
absorbed by mom would ever effect the infant.  Plasma levels are virtually
undetectible at low to moderate doses.    If absorbed by the infant,  the only
untoward effect likely would be tremor, tachycardia, or sleeplessness in the

Flovent is a new intranasal and inhaled corticosteroid,  fluticasone.  Only
small amounts are inhaled (micrograms) and almost none is absorbed.  It is
totally ( 99% plus) taken up first pass by the liver and metabolized to
inactive compounds,  so the oral bioavailability is zero.  It should be no
problem for breastfeeding infant.

Tom Hale