In a message dated 97-02-21 22:45:40 EST, you write:

<< From:    Cathy Liles <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: Starting Solids

 Well, you guessed it, my little guy had his own ideas about starting solids.
Attending a party at 5 months, he crawled all the way across a large rug to
get a croissant, he was not to be denied.  The hostess aptly commented that
she didn't understand why mothers didn't know when it was time to introduce
solids. If you watch the baby , s/he will give you undeniable cues :) Cathy

I don't think "reaching" for solids is an appropriate "cue".  A 3 or 4 month
old could reach for your plate, but it doesn't mean he's  ready for the food
on it, or the "diet coke" in your glass as Chris said.  Babies reach for our
drinks and plates because they are interesting, not necessarily because they
want or need it.  I don't think anyone would let a baby have a cigarette just
because he could reach for it........ Can't remember if I read it in WHO or
LLL but I agree with waiting for all the developmental milestones such as
holding up their own head, being able to sit at the table in a high chair
unaided, the pensor ability to pick up food and put it in their own mouth,
and a few teeth to chew the food.    ( also read that children who teeth late
inthe first year tend to be the ones with food allergies???  and therefore
it's good to wait for teeth to sprout.....anyone heard that???)  I also agree
that the beginning is more for socialization at the table than nutrition.
Liz Flight, RN, IBCLC  in sunny Jacksonville, Florida.