FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: Do your ears...
DATE: 02-28-97   18:10 EST

Have not got thru all the posts past 2/23, so maybe someone already said this,
but---the "original" (bawdy or not--and with soldiers, it probably was)dates
back at least to Colonial times or may have been sung about the French by the
British even before that--I believe a COntinental Soldier was part of G.
Washingtons army.  It shows up in the CUb Scout songbook too, with the
notation to be sung to "Turkey in the Straw", a folk tune/folkdance.

Can you see a bunch of folks in the mall, though, strutting their stuff and
breastfeeding, singing....

Do your breasts hang low, do they wobble to and fro
Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow
can you throw them over your shoulder
NUrse in PUblic! LEts be BOlder
Do your breasts hang low....

or somthing--the song is so old its in the public domain, no copyright issues,
someone else might have a better rhyme...