Just heard third hand about a horrible story- Baby admitted to pediatric
floor with severe, pitting dehydration, mouth so dry mucous membranes were
like sandpaper. Mother claimed to be 100% breastfeeding. I don't have
information on intake or output. Floor personel could not get an IV in, baby
transfered to PICU for a perc line  or cut down of some sort, baby began
 massive seizures, then had major brain bleed.  Mother still claimed baby had
been breastfeeding OK, her breastmilk was found to have sodium levels of
 >50mg! Isn't this sodium levl in cows milk? Two days later baby declared
brain dead, organs were donated. Am I missing part of the story or has any
one ever heard of this before! I did not get to see this baby (or mom).

Debbie Rabin, OTR, CLC
Los Angeles, CA