Just thought I would offer my PNS experience in response to Kathy
     Auerbach's post...

     I did not have a preterm baby ( 15 days late in fact) but had plenty
     of reasons for supply problems.  Not to get into the gory details but
     my father died 6 hours before my baby was born...  and my baby was
     born (late..) just 3 days after what should have been my last baby's
     second birthday (he died 8 hours after birth).  So needless to say I
     was out of my mind with stress over whether this baby would be okay
     and grief over the loss of my father.  My house was a menagerie of
     relatives as I was my dad's only in-town relative.  It was, to say the
     least, tremendously difficult to establish a good nursing
     relationship.  baby diagnosed with FTT at 2 week check...  The Nurse
     Practitioner was sort of (in my opinion) sacrificing on the alter of
     ignorance as she gave me several cans of ABM and told me to
     supplement. No way I thought.  Baby was 10#2 at birth and 9#15 at two
     weeks, appropriate void patterns...  so pumping became critical as I
     was very adamant no ABM>

     I used a Lactina the first week as I was afraid of the PNS>  When I
     got the PNS, though, there was no difference whatsoever.  In fact, I
     kept increasing.  I use one now (literally, I'm typing while
     attached!!) hee hee, and get great results... 20+ oz per day.

     So that's my experience.  I'm not an LC so my experience may not apply
     to preemie moms...but I have nothing but raves about my PNS...from my
     freinds who use them, too.  By the way, I wrote the ped office an
     eloquent letter about how she should have discussed pumping and
     alternative methods of feeding (not bottles) to me as I was so adamant
     that breastfeeding was how we would feed.

     Wendy Funk, MCH Epidemiologist