Hi Fellow Lact-Netters -

I just (6:20 EST, NY metro area) came up from watching  a Fox News Network
weekend program on health.  The segment was Breastfeeding vs Bottlefeeding.
 The host - Carol Iovanna, the guest a Dr. Gerberg from Long Island Jewish
Hospital.  It was a call in show. (But it was recorded, so I couldn't get
through.)  Did any one else see it?  I'm livid!!!!

Question about drugs and breastfeeding - to which the answer was- something
to the effect that many, many drugs pass through into the breastmilk - both
prescription and OTC - and therefore a mother should contact her dr. before
taking any medication.

Question about health benefits of bf in relation to bottle feeding - answer -
In the long run, no difference (!)

One caller - a mom of two month old bf twins, questioned about going back to
work and continuing bf - answer - its possible, pump once a day to keep
breasts producing.

Question about antibodies and length of time they benefit child - answer -
definately in the first week with the colostrum, maybe for another three
months, no benefit after that.

Question re length of time to bf - answer - most mothers bf for a year. I
did. There are no benefits to nursing so long or longer.

And on and on it went - ad nauseum!

How could they air such a show???  To perpetuate myths like these really get
my dander up.  Are we really making a difference?

I plan on contacting Fox News tomorrow AM to lodge my complaint.  Anyone want
to join me? (I feel like joining Dori in the padded room!)

Trying to calm down in NJ -
Sheila Angalet, LLL
[log in to unmask]
(they are actually calling for 6" of snow for us tonight - yipee!11)