In a message dated 97-02-20 08:24:42 EST, you write:

<< From:    Jack Newman <[log in to unmask]>
 Subject: Short tongue, no frenulum

 I do see babies like this fairly frequently.  They have a short tongue,
 I guess.  Generally work as these parents are doing, though I try to
 avoid taking the baby off the breast, or at least not completely.
 However, sometimes that's necessary too.

 Baby's tongues can grow and the outlook is optimistic, I think.

 Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC >>

Ditto Dr. Jack..... I had one mother who had nursed a previous child and was
determined to nurse the new baby.  We did all we could, very short tongue,
couldn't extend over the gumline, tongue appeared to be attached all the way
to the bottom of the gumline, killed the mother's nipples.  I even sent her
to my oral surgeon just to make sure ....  Upside to the story is she hand
expressed for about 3-4 months till the baby could nurse.  What a woman!!!
  Even had so much milk left over when she moved tried to find
someone/somewhere to donate the grocery bags full of milk from her freezer.