FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: baby virus/rehydration/ABM feeds/juices
DATE: 02-19-97   13:01 EST

Hi Chris, et al,  I believe I posted a note re:"no-Please no juices". when we
had the rehydr. recipe discussion late last year.  I also have a large file
(paper, alas) titled "Diarrhea" if anyone wants more on the subject.  As was
stated yesterday, the "no food except brmilk or rehydr solution" advice is for
12 to 24 hrs, then the infant is started back on whatever else he eats at his
age.  THe idea is that even if there is still diarrhea, the baby is absorbing
nutrients and the gut will heal, whereas with no food going in the diarrhea
actually lasts longer.

Scientific American, May 91 vol 264 #3 has a good overview,and includes
Grandmas "rice formula", which is essentially a rice soup or rice
water/chicken soup with rice idea which provides some minerals  and carbos
without the sugars.  It has been useful as a sort of "homemade ORT (oral
rehydration therapy) " where the commercial solutions were unavailable or
unaccepted by the patient.  It is *not* intended as the sole source of
nutrients, nor is the ORT/P--lyte, and "early refeeding" (docspeak) is

  Soy is not a perfect food, but the alternatives (predigested formulas like
Nutr--gen etc) are more expensive and may not be necessary, particularly if
the infant is getting some protection from the brmilk.

I don't supppose taking time off from school and feeding round-the-clock till
the diarrhea clears up is an option?