>>I called the company and was told it is not supposed to take the place of
the Mini-Electric, but that it will be sold at K-Mart or Target or some such
stores!  Not for mothers seeking instructions, just a cheap pump! Egads!!! Is
this going to be another problem for LCs--like the
Pump-N-Styles being sold UNDER what we are supposed to sell them for and
nothing we can do about this?<<

I have an even bigger question. Did you see the suggested retail price? It's
the same as the mini-e!  So someone please explain to me why they needed to
create a "different" pump (I notice it's a diaphragm in a small box, from the
PNS technology) when it is the same price? Why didn't they just market the
mini-e to the discount chains straight-forwardly?  Is it better, worse, the
same as the mini-e?  And how about the new, cheaper manual pump? How does it
perform against the manual-e?

I suppose that this will be good for the mothers, but I can't help but sigh
heavily at the same time.  We are all struggling enough as it is. The pump
company feels that the competition will sharpen us in the long run, and maybe
they are right--- but on the other hand, maybe we'll die before we make it
that far.  It *is* good that mothers have access to better pumps...........
so why am I not cheering?

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC