Calling all Lact-netters in the NY Metro Area -

Get a gander at today's (2/18/97) NY Daily News - pg 40 - a section called
NOW family...

The headline reads - FORMULA FOR SUCCESS, with the seb-heading - Breast
feeding isn't always the solution.  By-line by Lenore Skenazy - Daily News
Staff writer.  It is a full page article that pretty much slams the door on
breastfeeding as an option for most mothers.  It is described  as "Like razor
blades in your breasts" and "hot needles" with "I cried and I cried!"

The article seems to also "bash" LCs for "pushing" women to bf.

This is one my husband found on the table during break at work.  He brought
it home because he know how "annoyed" it would get me!

Thought you'd like to know!

Sheila (Angalet)