A general rule of thumb in figuring out how much pumped milk to feed baby:
2.5 times the baby's weight in oz. divided by the number of feedings in 24
hours = the amount of milk per feeding (approximately) example 10 lb baby x
2.5 = 25 oz in 24 hours divided by 8 =feedings q 3 hour = 3.125 oz approx per
feeding.  Check with Ameda/Egnell for the Breastfeeding Answers handout on
pumping and storing milk.  I haven't seen a 96 edition but the one I wrote in
1991 which was used for many years had the "formula" listed above as well as
storage guidelines for refrigerated, frozen and breast milk at room temp.
I highly recommend Kittie's feeding charts; they are pocket sized laminated
charts based on 108 kcal/oz  (term babies) and 120 kcal/oz (premies) also a
chart showing 10% weight loss.   They are available from Geddes Productions,
10546 McVine, Sunland CA  91040.  Debi Bocar and LInda Shrago also have a
very nice small chart available on 10% weight loss.  They can be reached at
Lactation Consultant Services, 11320 Shady Glen Road, Oklahoma City, OK