I got a message from Ros Escott, who is on the advisory panel on the
marketing in Australia of infant formula chiding me for getting it
wrong on Australia.

Perhaps the writing was not clear, but I was not criticizing Australia
and suggesting it had a spineless government and the last thing I was
trying to say is that the government's attitude or Peter Hartmann's
statement were influenced by good relations with Nestle.

I was showing what could be done by a government that took
breastfeeding seriously, as, I was implying Australia's has done.  It
was the rest of our governments' which are spineless.  Ontario even
had the vice-president of Carnation (Nestle) on a commission looking
at maternal and infant health.  Not surprisingly, the word
"breastfeeding" was mentioned twice, though they went on and on about
pregnant women's nutrition (important too).

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC