Sorry Iposted the search to the wrong address...but now that you all know
I've been searching for information re: goats milk (by the way, the search gave me 100 hits, there were more but not enough room...), here's why:
mother does not want to supplement with Nutramigen, would rather use goats milk for a three month old, she swears her other children did great
with goats milk. This would be a supplement, she says it would be too
much stress for her to pump when she goes out and leaves the baby with a
babysitter which she seems to do at least once a day. She tells me over
and over about her stress. Now do I reiterate that goats milk is for
goats, not for human infants? She is happy with that as a choice, or do I send her to an LC for a pump demo so that she can see that a good pump
may make it less stressful for her to pump? She is using the "regular
manual pump", getting information from her is like pulling teeth, I
still feel that there is much more to the story. This baby is showing a
similar feeding pattern to the baby I told you about earlier, except
this one is three months old and the pediatrician has checked her "from head to toe" according to the mother and is supposedly fine. She doesn't
demand to be fed, even after 5 or 6 hours. She is wetting and stooling.
Is it possible for a baby to tune out? In fact, the mother's FIRST question to me was: "Is my baby allergic to me?" I think there are a lot of
perceived difficulties that are self-induced...
So-should I push pumping on her when she really doesnt' want to? I
refused to let her make me say that goats milk is OK for human infants!
She already knows that it is low in folic acid! What else does she know
that she is willing to overlook because of her stress? Don't
misunderstand-her stress is real to her but why is the infant supposed
to be better able to handle stress than the mother?!

Pearl Shifer, IBCLC