Fiona Coombes wrote:
> I have a client who has a 16 month old child who is still breastfed,
> They are now thinking of having another embryo implanted, but doctors
> say she must wean first.
> Does anyone have any comments??

  What is the big rush with people.  It is so uncomfortable (finger
nails scratching a chalk board feeling) to bf during pregnancy.  I've
done it twice.   I don't think I'm as good a mother as I would have been
had they been older and naturally weaned before I got pregnant.  Maybe
that would make her feel better if she doesn't get what she wants.
If she is going to play the modern medicine game then she may have to
play by their rules.
  It seems like this nursing during pregnancy thing always comes up but
I have never heard anyone say their have been studies (flawed or
otherwise) on either side of this issue.  Comments?
-Joyce Mitchell