
>>I suggested that babies who co-sleep may better regulate breathing and have
less episodes of apnea, and that co-sleeping has been practiced throughout
the world and is normal mammalian behaviour, only falling out of favour in
recent "civilization".  I do not feel that I
impacted much on the shock value of a dead baby.<<

The perfect comparison for this is a report on the various ways in which
babies have died in cribs. Isn't this why the regulations keep tightening on
crib specifications and crib toy safety? Many MORE babies have died in their
cribs as opposed to the parental bed, and the response was to *make the crib
environment safer*.  We can do the same for parental bed.  (DUH!) I hope
someone writes this in, as I'm swamped at the moment.

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC