Dear Linda,

On Feb 1 you wrote:  I had the privilege of meeting and hearing a
presentation by the founders of Formula, Inc. (two articulate sets of parents
in the Washington DC area, whose children were brain damaged when one company
deliberately omitted chloride from their products in the early 1980's).  They
believe it is advisable for artificially-fed babies to receive several brands
in the course of a week or so, since each brand has its own mix of excesses
and deficiences in nutrients and trace elements.  They also encourage early
solids in small amounts for the same reason - to get the widest selection of
trace minerals and to avoid the still-unknown consequences of a baby NOT
getting all the good stuff that's in human milk.  They acknowledge that this
practice may increase risk of allergies, and present the arguments that (1)
when ABM is used, allergy risk is increased anyway; and (2) allergies are
preferable to permanent brain damage.

This makes a lot of sense to me also.  I have always assumed that's why I was
fed solids by my mother at 6 weeks, pablem, then fruits & vegetables, meats.
 I was on everything by 3 months, and my formula was made of evaporated milk,
karo syrup and water, deficient in so many nutrients.

Will you please post how we can contact these people, the founders of
Formula, Inc.?  Do they have any supporters among the medical community at
the present time or more information about the health and development of
babies fed this way?  Are people listening and feeding their babies this way?

If this proves to be a better choice for artificially fed babies, promoting
this method will point out to parents that ABM has actual risks, is not
"gentle" or "complete" .

Thanks Linda,
Jane Bradshaw in Lynchburg, VA