In response to the pposts about mothers who BF the first baby but are
deciding not to BF the second for fear of short-changing the older child---
    These are issues that come up often in the Childbirth Refresher classes
that I teach, as well as during lactation consultations (Mom verbalizes
ambiguity about BF this one, when #1 has such needs...).  One comment that
seems to help parents get a glimmer of perspective:
     "We all learn, at some point in our lives, that the universe does not
revolve around US.  When a sibling is born into the home, our older child
begins to learn that others are equally important, and have needs that are
just as pressing.  It's a difficult lesson to be sure, but a loving family is
such a safe place to learn.  While painful, at times, welcoming the newborn
with the same enthusiasm and commitment that you welcomed your first, will
teach your firstborn values that will bless them for a lifetime."
    Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, CCE, IBCLC