In article <[log in to unmask]>, Praetzellis
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Good morning all from northern California.
>Jeff Morris wrote:
>>One of the great things about being subscribed to the list is how even the
>>most flippant of remarks and comments can lead onto deep and meaningful
>>discussion 8->
>How true.
>My thanks to Jeff and our other Brit (and Ozzie) colleagues for their
>contributions to this string. For several years now I've thought that it
>would be great to dig a few mid-19th century domestic refuse features in
>urban Britain to compare with stuff from the western US. On the basis of
>previous posts, I suppose I won't have much competition...
>Adrian Praetzellis
>Sonoma State University
You might well have competition from bottle collectors.
Pat Reynolds
[log in to unmask]
Keeper of Social History, Buckinghamshire County Museum
   "It might look a bit messy now, but just you come back in 500 years time"
   (T. Prattchet)