Every morning I arrive in the nursery to find many many screaming infants who
are there awaiting the pediatricians.  The little boys are lined up for
circumcisions and the girls are crying on the other side of the room.  They have
all been there since 6:30 am.  Time now,8:30 am with no doctor in sight many
times.  When I ask why they all say the pediatricians would have a fit if they
had to go room to room to see the babies.

No adult would stand for  being  rounded up without any breakfast,placed in a
room of screaming adults to await their doctors morning rounds.  Why does it
seem okay to so many pediatricians and nursery nurses to do it to our babies who
have no voice for themselves?  It is not okay.  It is not humane.  It is the
accepted practice in many hospitals.

Ann Calandro, RNC,IBCLC