Jennifer Molavi asked if general anesthetic affected maternal bonding. My
experience w/ a c-sec w/ gen anesthesia was similar. I didn't feel at all
bonded to my daughter after the birth. However, I attribute this directly to
not being awake during the birth. My husband was there for the birth and he
was *very* bonded immediately. When I had vbac's for my next two children, I
found bonding still took about 24 hrs w/ #2 (I had recieved demerol during
labor) and it was IMMEDIATE following the drug-free birth of #3. Just MHO but
I always *strongly* encourage women to avoid all meds, if possible, during
labor and to remain awake, if possible, for c-sec. I really feel it made all
the difference in bonding for me and my babies.

Heidi Gleber, LLLL