Hi All,
something occured to me the other day after I had been given a new
regime to heal my eczema. After 20 years of repeat prescriptions for 5%
hydrocortisone creams (scream if you want, Drs on the list), a doctor
has at long last given me decent advice and told me to use "moist
healing" ie. I soak my hands in warm water for 20 minutes, add an oily
cream and then bandage with first wet bandages and then a dry bandage,
and leave until morning. I did this for 2 nights in a row and to my
amazement, it worked! I have been told to keep the cracked skin moist at
all times and to use am emollient several times a day and to chuck the
hydrocortisone :-)

Then a friend was asking about sore nipples and I trotted out the usual
stuff about letting milk dry on the nipples, keeping them dry at all
times etc. Then I hesitated. What if moist healing works better for this
situation (btw, I am aware that it wouldn't if thrush was the cause of
the soreness)? Is this a "eureka" moment, or am I beating up the wrong
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
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