Hi All,
Well, as of 6:44 am, January 27th, I am the proud momma of   Patrick Jay
Born at home after 6 hrs of labor and all of 15 min of pushing.
He weighs in at a WHOPPING 9lbs 6 oz!  (No wonder it hurt so bad!) (and 2 lbs
bigger than my other two!) No tearing tho!      We are all doing great, and
Patrick (who may pick up the nick name P.J.)  loves to BF!

Am now going to bed.  Didn't get any sleep last night (wonder why?).  Oh, Ben
seems to be totally fine with the new baby.  Slept thru the whole thing, woke
up to see baby brother BF, and said "Momma, baby getting Daki?"  "Yes, Ben" I
said.  "OK" and off he went to play!

Take care all!
