If this mom really needs an SNS, why can't WIC get one for her?  I keep them
on hand & provide them for a "regional" area of local WIC programs, including
my 2 counties.  I know some areas have better access to them, but this is a
clearly purchasable item.

Does mom have any insurance or Medicaid?  In this situation, they should
cover at least part of expenses.  Can you find a pump/SNS provider willing to
give the mom a break on price, or take what insurance/Mcd reimburses?  Or if
you can find a pump rental station that has a "grant" program through the
company?  That may at least cover it temporarily.  If you don't get results
through the local WIC Program, call the state & find out who's in charge of
BF.  It may take some phone calls & leg work, but you should be able to get
something for her.  What state are you from?
Good Luck!!!

Sandy Arnold BS, IBCLC
Bloomington, IN
(who fights this battle almost daily!)