If this is wax moths, do I need to destroy them before instaling a package?
bees keep them in check if I don't fumigate the hives?  What is the
preferred method of control?  At this point in time (Jan. in SE Iowa),
I doubt if I'll see anymore doamage this winter.  Comments?
       A healthy colony of bees (in Pennsylvania, USA, at least) will keep
wax moths in check.  The moths should not be obvious in the colony.
        Control methods?  Paradichlorobenzene crystals at the top of stacks
of stored beeswax combs and cold weather.  Once the weather gets down to
freezing, wax moth activity stops.  Many people store bee equipment outdoors
or in an unheated shed to discourage wax moths.  But remember to have para
crystals ready for spring.
Tim Sterrett
Westtown, (Southeastern) Pennsylvania, USA
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