Hi all,
 The post-partum Mom that I discussed a few weeks ago who had the
significant blood loss(transfused), hypothyroidism and manic-depression
and "slow to come" in milk supply has a baby in trouble.  His weight gain
is shakey at best, he is sucking poorly and Mom's supply seems to have
topped at 1oz per breast.  She has continued to pump at least 4x/day
while getting BF going and is just not "there yet" in the production
dept. She has been pumping post feed 6-8x post feed for a week with a
minimal increase in supply.  Remember, my concern was her potential to
produce sufficient milk with her hx and with all the interventions(not
all mentioned here) she is lagging.  I'll keep you posted.  Don't you
just love a "good case", the challenge can lead to such a rush or to put
it nicer be rewarding regardless of the outcome?