In response to Leslie's comment about helping moms relactate, I whole
heartedly (or breastedly) agree that one does NOT need a string of letters
behind ones' name to do what we do them most of--support.  Having seen both
sides of the fence, so to speak, I DO believe that IBCLCs that start out as
LLL Leaders have a very different orientation than IBCLCs who started out
as RNs.  I know that I'm opening a huge debate here, but MHO is that League
tries to "normalize" bf while the medical profession as a whole seems to
medicalize it.  I've worked with RNs, MDs, DCs and Leaders and it is often
the case that the medical professionals will see "zebras" where there
really are horses.  That is not to say that there isn't a role for both,
but that we need to remember to keep our perspective and respect one
another's strengths as human beings.

Stepping down from my soap box.

 Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email:   [log in to unmask]
  Area Professional Liaison, LLL-OR      fax1:  541-967-2401
  Coordinator, Research Review Committee fax2:  541 753 7340 call 1st
  La Leche League International        voice:   541 753-7340