Wednesday, Jan 14, 1997
Dear Bee Folks:
   We expect ("Lord willin' an' the creek don't rise') to be online tomorrow
at the American Beekeeping Federation meeting in Norfolk, Virginia, at our
regular internet address.
1.  We plan to demonstrate beekeeping on the internet, and would love to get
messages from all over the world.
2.  If you know someone there and would like to relay a message, we'll do our
3.  We hope to post a report, especially about the pollination scene.  Yours
truly is part of a panel for the pollination symposium on Thursday,
representing southeastern US pollination activities.
   It's a bit iffy, because I've been fighting with a balky computor for a
week.  Some memory management problems have thinned my hair a bit more, and I
don't have much (hair) to lose. Something is "eating" conventional memory in
Windows and bringing my programs to a screetching halt.  I am not expert
enough to pin down the problem (calling all computor nerds; I'm only a
beekeeper nerd).
   Chewin' my nails........
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green
Jan's Sweetness and Light         Varietal Honeys and Gift Sets