Fellow Lactnetters,
  I belong to a consumer mail panel where I am sent info about new products
and asked questions about how likely I would be to buy the product, etc. My
most recent mailing had new OTC products for children and babies. Get this:
YOUR BABY NEEDS TO HELP STOP COLIC      When your baby won't stop crying you
feel helpless. And when the breast milk or formula you know is best for your
baby makes it worse, L*CTAID INFANTS' DROPS can help. Babies' systems develop
at different rates. When very young, your baby may not naturally produce
enough Lactase enzyme to digest milk products easily. Just feeding him what
you're supposed to can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea and result in the
extended crying known as colic. L*CTAID INFANTS' DROPS act safely, easily and
completely naturally to help your baby digest milk products. L*CTAID INFANTS'
DROPS contain the natural enzyme Lactase your baby needs and won't change the
taste of you baby's foods. Just add two drops to your own pumped breas milk
or your baby's formula and store in your refrigerator for 4 hours. Then just
warm the bottle and feed your baby like you always do. Your baby can then
easily enjoy the natural food you feel is best for him.   30 quart supply for

   CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? Am I misinformed or aren't we born with Lactase in
our systems and we slowly lose (or use it up?) as we age.  I'm interested in
what you all think of this.

 Heidi Gleber, LLLL