I work in a nutrition program (WIC) that is required to screen the dietary
intake of our clients.  Does anyone have protocol for assessing dietary
intake of a 14 mo. old who is nursing?

We normally use a standard screening tool for children, which assesses
the amount of food they are offered (and eat) based on the basic food
groups (milk,protein,fruits,veggies,breads/grains).  In the past, we have
never specified how to count breastfeeding in this assessment.

My thought is to ask the mom how many *substantial* nursings the child
had during the day/night and count those as milk servings.   Other people
I work with would prefer a more accurate measurement.

I'm not sure we can have one standard that would work for all children
(i.e. only if mom nurses from both sides would we count it as a milk
serving).  I think that most moms can tell us if the nursing was a
significant one or just a snack, based on her knowledge of her own kid.

Any opinions?  Also, what percentage of moms nursing 14mo olds offer
both breasts at each feeding?

Debi VanderMey Barr, MS RD (who exercises for depression!)
Oregon WIC Program
Portland, OR     [log in to unmask]

PS.  About the CD-ROM nutritional analysis of the 2 week old- I am
surprised the CD-ROM was programmed to take infant information.  I
would be interested in seeing what information they based their analysis
on.  Were any references given about where the standard data was
taken from?