Dear Jacquie,
Had a similar situation to the one you describe at a LLL meting about 8 years
ago.  Husband was adamant that his wife join him for a golfing weekend.  Moms
in my group spent the entire meeting telling her how to talk her husband into
posponing the trip, or taking the baby along with (perhaps with a sitter) and
so forth.  None of us experienced nursing mothers could imagine leaving our
babies.  We didn't give her much info about pumping, etc, if she did decide
to go.  Fortunately, her doctor did tell her what to do and she did go on the
trip, pumped, and returned to continue breastfeeding her young baby.  She did
not come back to any more LLL meetings.  I happened to run into her later
around town and asked how things were.
I think this comes back again to giving women lots of information, including
how to pump while separated from baby, and empowering her to make the best
decision for her family.  Of course, I don't mean that we should minimize the
problems she might encounter or fail to speak up for the baby's needs.  We
should even tell her that baby might even refuse the breast upon her return.
 But we cannot understand her family dynamics and must try not to get
emotionally involved.   I'm off for a long weekend in Phoenix so won't get to
hear the rest of this thread but hope this helps. Julia Griffith, LLL in