Hi All,
Have a friend, who with her first baby (and subsequent baby) could not bring
in a milk supply that would sustain her babies.  (We still don't know why).
 She bought this piece of trash...uh  I mean book, and I asked her if I could
borrow it.  It really is a piece of trash!  I wrote a long letter to the
Author asking her why she couldn't have written the book as a support for
women who choose to ABM feed and for women who have to ABM feed rather than a
book criticizing and bashing BF supporters, LLL and LCs.  It was really a
very nice letter, telling her how, since she is a good writer, she could have
really made a difference for the better of babies, rather than slma the BF
community.  I never did get a response back from her.  :)
Anyway, I routinely hide the book in different topic sections or behind other
books (sometimes they even "accidently" fall behind shelves!) when visiting
bookstores.  ;)
Same thing happens when I go into librairies as well.  I am a naughty girl,
aren't I?
