Hello all--
I hope someone can help with this question.  Since I'm very new to Lactnet, I
don't know if this has come up before.

A mother has called for info on whether both she and her 20-month-old can
take a medication simultaneously.  The child has been prescribed benadryl,
12.5 mg every 4-6 hours and tylenol, 160 mg every 4 hours.  Mother has been
prescribed a combin-ation tablet of benadryl, 12.5 mg; tylenol, 500 mg;
sudafed, 30 mg.  She is told to take 2 tablets every 6 hours.

The child is a frequent nurser and with the illness is hardly eating any
solids right now.  The child has no known allergies/med problems, other than
this current viral illness (stomach and respiratory).  The mother asked the
pediatrician about both taking these meds at the same time and he suggested
that one or the other will have to suffer since she's bfing.  The mother
wants more info and is willing to just take 1/2 her dosage if it's okay.
 BTW, these two have been tag-teaming with illnesses for about a month and
mom just wants some relief, but safely.

Does anyone have some words of wisdom?  Please e-mail me privately, as I had
to go NOMAIL for awhile (long story).  Address:  [log in to unmask]

Thanks in advance!
Deborah Haviland
LLLL, Beaufort, SC