On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 13:19:05 -0600, Allen Dick wrote:
>Since foundation is going into the centre and a cluster must form on
>it for it to be drawn, it will pull many bees that would be covering
>outer combs of you use too much.
The best possition for foundation is the side of the brood nest. This
means foundation should be inserted between the so called "cover comb"
containing honey and pollen and the first brood comb and than again on the
other side of the hive between the last brood comb and the other cover
comb. This arrangment should allow the colony to produce wax and use it
most economically. The brood put above the excluder should be situated
just abowe the brood combs bellow and covered with combs of honey from the
sides what enables the colony to form a cluster during nights or eventual
cold spells etc.
Best regards,
Vladimir Ptacek
Fac. Sci., Dept. Anim. Physiol.       E.mail: [log in to unmask]
Masaryk University                    phone:  .42/5/41129 562
611 37 Brno, Czech Republic           fax:    .42/5/41211 214