I have been hovering on Lactnet for the past 2 months without a post.  I
was nomail for the past 2 weeks for the holidays, and I am now posting for
the first time.  My name is Jennifer Felke and I am an La Leche League Leader
in Plymouth, Indiana.  I have an unusual query and would appreciate as much
input and information as all of you can provide.

A friend of mine as well as LLL member has asked the following questions of
me.  She has an 8 month old baby who has been breastfed exclusively and is
now dabbling in solids.  Her father ( who is 60) was diagnosed with prostate
cancer 3 years ago.  He underwent radiation treatment one year ago.  Last
week they found the cancer had spread to one of his vertebrae and also to his
pelvic bone.  My question is this - would he benefit from consuming her
breastmilk????  She has a freezer full of frozen milk and is willing to pump
milk for him to drink if they think it would help him tolerate the radiation
and chemotherapy that he will undergo at the U of M - Ann Arbor.  Have there
been any studies out there that documents adult consumption of breastmilk???
  Any and all information for my friend would be greatly appreciated!!!!