I try to find "back door" approaches, so that breastfeeding information
is new stuff, not the same old thing; everyone knows breast is best, but
they still aren't doing it!
I like to check the national health observances, and see how I can tie
that in. For example, January is Eye Health Awareness month, so I talk
about how wonderful breastmilk is in eye development, both on a cellular
level (DHA and retina developemnt) ,and on an "exercise" level-how
breastfeeding allows eye hand coordination practice on both sides, well,
you know...
I usually enjoy teaching, bec. I get into the act, and try to be funny
and entertaining along with getting serious too. I have a framed copy of
the New York State breastfeeding civil right law, and I make a big deal
about it. I stress that it was never against the law to breastfeed, but
that it IS against the law to try and STOP a woman from breastfeeding!
That the bad guys are the ones who don't want to let us breastfeed in
public. You've got to be very clear on these issues; people seem to get
confused easily. The idea of there being a breastfeeding law can give
the impression that at one time it was illegal to breastfeed in
public...it never was.  I also have a framed copy of the NYS hospital
regulation that states mothers must be helped to breastfeed....WIC moms love to know what their rights are.
I loved the image that someone presented, about the mom bringing her
luggage with her. It's a great visual to keep in the back of our minds
when counseling. One of the WIC moms is a theatre major, and maybe we
can present a skit with the mom actually coming in with a suitcase and
have her pull out all her own stuff that she's dragging around in there!
Thanks for the idea!
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC