>I'd also look at allergies...  it's possible those infections might be the
>only overt symptom of an allergy.  (and of course there's a heredity link
>there, too)

Emma had her first ear infection at 2 mo despite being fully breastfed.
She then had frequent ear infections every couple of months, but it
wasn't until the doctor examined her when she *didn't* have an infection
that the cause was found - it was ottitis externa (dermatitis of the ear
canal). Because it itched, she was sticking fingers and objects into her
ear and infecting the dermatitis. Interestingly enough, everyone in my
family has this same problem, so it must be hereditary. I had to give
her hydrocortisone eardrops for a few weeks, and since then, no ear
infections but I keep an eye on her scratching her ears.

Alice seems to have the same problem, but I drop breastmilk into her
ears to avoid infection and so far it seems to be working. Also, keeping
their finger nails short and very clean helps.
Anna (mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995 and Alice, born 11th Sept 1996)
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