It really works.  I used a paint pad this spring on my new equipment
and it work great.
BIll Hughes
Bent Holly Honey Farm
Brighton, Tennessee  USA
A few postings have mentioned good ways to paint or preserve hives.
I've had
great luck with piling my boxes high and then using a painting device
a "pad" - a 5" wide pad of fuzzy fabric with a handle, used, usually,
 painting walls around door and window trim.  It's smooth, wide and
applies a
nice, even thin coat of paint on the boxes.  I suppose a roller might
also be
good and even wider but I don't like the spray and spatter rollers
make and
their paint delivery is not as good as this pad.  I can do a 10 high
stack of
hives, all sides in aboaut 10 minutes with this pad.  A great work
saver and
a fine project for winter months.
Faith Andrews Bedford
Tampa and Ivy, VA>>