Noel Hume used some comparisons to 17th century paintings in his =
_Martin's Hundred_ book. Also, there are some references (albeit =
somewhat superficial) to the usefulness of art to archaeology in general =
in _Anthropology for Archaeologists_ (1981, Bryony Orme. Ithaca, NY: =
Cornell Univ. Press). Although not directly tied to archaeology, =
extensively illustrated 19th century architectural pattern books are =
extremely valuable not only for their illustrations, but for the =
detailed descriptions of materials, plans, etc. -- many (i.e., Andrew =
Jackson Downing, et al.) down to precise nail counts. Dell Upton wrote =
an excellent essay on them: "Pattern Books and Professionalism: Aspects =
of the Transformation of Domestic Architecture in America, 1800-1860" =
Winterthur Portfolio 19:107-150 (1984).
David Rotenstein
David S. Rotenstein, Ph.D.                                  =20
EMAIL: [log in to unmask]                       =20