I don't know how it is in other states, but here in Iowa there is one
permanent review person at SHPO for archaeological reports and one hourly
renewable contract person who reviews compliance reports. While it may be
that many archaeologists that move into administrative positions do not
continue to do research or keep up with current research or go to
conferences, it may not be because they do not want to. I know that review
archaeologists here have many more reports to review than can be done in the
hours that they are paid to work. They are barraged on all sides by people
who do not want them to uphold the rather stringent standards for
compliance. Their salary is not high and one gets no benefits. Conferences
would need to be attended on their own time with the own funds for the most
part. They are also expected to "keep up with the current research" of all
archaeology from Paleo-Indian to historic plus increasingly stringent
requirements for geomorphological testing and evaluation. In addition they
are expected to work with various goverment and private agencies to increase
awareness of compliance issues as well as encouraging public knowledge of
archaeology etc. I think that these expectations are enough to give anyone
I for one want to applaud the work of the review officers at Iowa's SHPO.
They are facing the heat of continuing pressure to require fewer surveys and
less detailed surveys and they are expected to review more and more detailed
and specialized Phase I, II and III reports.
That's my two-cents worth.
Susan R. Snow
Project Archaeologist
General Contracts Program
Office of the State Archaeologist
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
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