In message <[log in to unmask]>, "Roger W Burns (St
Thomas' Surgery)" <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I am a new addressee, who has been initiated into beekeeping by my two
>teenage sons.
>We have Apistan solution as Klartan, bought in France 2y ago.
>How do we prepare to treat our bees? What dilution is needed?
>We live in West Wales (pembrokeshire).
I STRONGLY suggest that you get in contact with your local Bee-Keepers'
Association. They will be best able to advise on local conditions,
climatic considerations etc. etc.  Chemical treatment for varroa is only
likely to be effective if co-ordinated between local bee-keepers,
otherwise you may increase resistance.
Mail me again if you need contacts or addresses.
Alyn W. Ashworth
Lancashire & North-West Bee-Keepers' Association. UK.
(but I don't speak on their bee-half)