In a message dated 96-12-22 00:03:12 EST, Pam writes:

<< There is now a mom on the internet---with the
 mission to WARN every breastfeeding woman of the dangers of consuming
 (or citrus, dairy, wheat) while breastfeeding.  She is stating that LLL is
 trying to "cover-up" this information.  I am just not knowledgeable enough
 this subject.  Please help....>>

I know this woman.

La Leche League Leaders host breastfeeding chats on American Online for the
Parent Soup Channel.  One Sunday evening when I was hosting the chat with
another Leader in Arkansas this woman entered the chat and asked if she
could've CAUSED her son's peanut allergy.  We responded that it's possible
she sensitized him.  She would not accept our answer - either in the chat or
through several emails.  I tried to explain to her if we "warned" every
pregnant or nursing mom to avoid foods that are known allergens, that these
moms would not be able to consume a full or nutritious diet.  I told her we
work with moms on elimination diets if they discover allergies in their
breastfed children.

From what I have read, sensitization can take place during gestation or
through the minute amounts of the allergens passed into breastmilk.  But,
there is a big differecne between SENSITIZED and CAUSED.

She used words like "conspiracy" and "cover-up" in relation to La Leche
League "hiding" the "truth" about breastfeeding moms consuming peanuts and
"causing" peanut allergies.

She's what I call a "yeah, but" because she will not listen to anything
anyone says unless it validates her beliefs.

Pam, could you let me know where you saw her posting or advertising about her
"mission"? Thank you.

She's quite insisitant and very vocal and I'm afraid she may cause some
problems for La Leche League in the future with what she is saying and how
she is saying it.

Deb Wirtel, St. Louis
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