Comments of Kathleen Bruce are correct. Many pediatricians still need
However I have one small correction. The pedinfo listserve is for pediatric
INFOMATICS and not for clinical sujects unless it realtes to pediatric
infomatics. The Pedtalk (an excellent pediatric listserve) however is the
perfect place for enlightenment and discussion and I have seen the comments
too from people of my sexual species.(Male Peds) We do not all feel this
way. The problem of unenlightenment is not always a male problem either.
(also the pedtalk is a listserve and not chat; International Pediatric Chat
is live Chat)

Lastly please do not forget to come to Monday night live chat hour
discusssing breastfeeding topics. The holidays are over (kathleen may join
us) and starting January 13th we will do weekly topics to focus on. We have
been in contact with unicef and maf have some of thier involvment in our
breastfeeding discussions.

Happy New Year,
Julius Edlavitch
International Pediatric Chat