Hi All,
I LOVE Lisa M's idea!  I think it would be a great way for those of us who
need a bazillion hours before sitting the exam to get a bit more credibility
within our areas.  Other courses such as LI's CLE and BSC's courses are
great, too, but I think a pre-IBCLC exam would be icing on the cake, you
The next question, would be, if you pass this exam, would that allow for the
total number of hours you must have before sitting the big one, to be
reduced?  Those of us who have no college (I have an AA, but...) or very
little, look at the number of hours we have to have, and think "geesh, I'll
be a grandma before I reach that, and My 1st born is only 3yrs!"  :)
Anyway, I am lucky I was able to get my CLE, all I need now are the hours,
and the hands on time.  But I refuse to do the hands on time unless
supervised (unlike many others we hear about who get a class or two and call
themselves consultants.) by an LC I respect.  After I have had plenty of
supervised hands on time, then I will "maybe" start doing it on my own, but
still will never call myself an LC, 'cause I am not.

Lisa, great idea!  How can we work on this?  Is this something that the
examiners need to work on?  Or can we get together a board of LCs to prepare
the pre-exam and have it be a valid test?  How about the times and places to
take it?  I know for many people, like myself, travelling out of state or out
of town is expensive and impossible to do.  Can we have procters within  each
community?  Ooooh, the ideas...

Take care all!

Hope you all had a great holiday!


PS.  Baby is dropping, so........   :)